Thursday, August 19, 2021


                      It was a cloudy morning. I woke up early and got ready. "Where are you going? its about to rain" mother said. I walked out. I knew it was already raining in my mind. 
    My mind was already flooded with questions. I walked towards my bike and climbed on. 

Had your breakfast? 
Where are you going ? Its about to rain. 
I started my bike. There was heavy traffic on road. It was so dusty. I showed my frustration on the horn.
Her memories was flashing on my mind. I still can't believe that she is no more in my life. 
I reached in front of the auditorium. I was a bit confused, am i at the right place ? .The wedding  posters confirmed. 

I entered the hall. Her brother was welcoming all the guest.l looked up to the stage. She was standing there with her groom whom she met days before.Once she was mine. I can still remember her eyes looking me with a soft smile holding my hands.... With a sigh i sat on a chair. Her friends were there but i couldn't face them.I looked her she was smiling and was very happy. 

How can she be happy? 
She never had any feelings for me ? I asked myself. Was i just a passing cloud for her? I wanted to hate her but my mind and heart was already in a battle my mind wants to console me but my heart was searching for the love. 

                         An old man in his 70s seated next to me.He is engaged by talking another man next to him.Their conversation strikes my mind. 
            Yes, he is the only son. Well settled. Good family they are.These words bleeded my heart.The groom was not so good.The voice from another man next to him, it feels me better.

What an idiotic man I'm.? 
Why iam i hearing all this. Its over. Whatever she is,its her life. I have to respect her decision. The only thing that i can do is to not peep into her life. She is not mine anymore. But her memories......

I took a photo of her and told myself 'its over'. My mother always says that there everyone comes to our life with a purpose and teaches a lesson, and they will leave, some leaves a mark we have to heel it. 

I noticed her parents flooded with joy. I am glad that iam also a reason for their smile. Hope she will be happy. I left the auditorium with the mark she gave me. It wounded heavily, it was bleeding. I have to heel it.This is not a story of a vivek. There are many.... 

My phone rang, 
its mom
I took the call.
"Where are you, you didn't  eat anything from morning, come home"
 I didn't say a word
Are you okay son? She asked
I smiled.
" Yes mom".

                                                               Rahul Arjun



 എനിക്ക് ഉറങ്ങുവാൻ സാധിക്കുന്നില്ല .നിദ്ര എന്നിൽ നിന്ന് ഒരുപാട് അകലെയാണ് .പുതിയ സ്ഥലം ,പുതിയ ആളുകൾ ,പിന്നെ നാടിനെ വിറപ്പിക്കുന്ന ഒരു കള്ളനും...